Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make Money Selling Your Photos!

I'm relatively new to selling stock photography and thought I would create this blog to share some of my experiences over time with the various stock photo agencies.

For those who don't know what stock photography is, stock photography is the supply of photographs licensed for specific uses. It is used to fulfill the needs of creative assignments instead of hiring a photographer. Today, stock images can be presented in searchable online databases. They can be purchased and delivered online. Often, they are produced in studios using a wide variety of models posing as professionals, stereotypes, expressing stereotypical emotions and gesticulations or involving pets.

Anyone can make money selling stock photos. All you need is a decent camera and some acquired skill.

There are many sites that you can sell stock photos. Most of my income so far has been generated by...
Give them a try if you want to buy or sell images.